Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

At HP, Meg Whitman Wants People to Show Up for Work

In the 1970s, Hewlett-Packard popularized the idea of “management by walking around” — MBWA for short. Top executives and group directors would cruise about so that they could get feedback and a sense of company morale directly, while also imparting business goals and a corporate ethos sans the middleman. Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, practices an extreme version today, eschewing an office altogether in favor of working at random places around the company’s headquarters.

Over the years, HP’s fondness for MBWA faded. Executives cloistered themselves in spacious offices, while the rank and file packed into cubicles. When HP’s real estate costs spiraled out of control, many employees were told to skip the commute and work from home. (This still happens, by the way: The Arizona Republic recently encouraged employees to set up shop at McDonald’s and Starbucks.)

Well, the touchy-feely days are back again at HP. Sort of. The company appears to have issued a new edict calling for more employees to show up at the office more often. The hope is that this will foster more collaboration and that, just like the good old days, HP’s employees can get their directives in person from managers.

Led by Meg Whitman, HP remains in the midst of a protracted restructuring, and this new policy, according to an internal memo making the rounds, fits in with the revival bid. According to the memo:

During this critical turnaround period, HP needs all hands on deck. We recognize that in the past, we may have asked certain employees to work from home for various reasons. We now need to build a stronger culture of engagement and collaboration and the more employees we get into the office the better company we will be.

Upon hearing about HP’s decision, folks in Silicon Valley have been quick to link it to a similar move made months ago by Marissa Mayer at Yahoo. Apparently, actually turning up at an office is the hip, new thing to do, particularly for companies in turnaround mode.

The irony, of course, is that both HP and Yahoo are among the hundreds of companies that have tried to improve collaboration technology over the past 20 or so years and adapt it to the Internet era. E-mail, Skype, WebEx, Lync, Box and all the rest ought to have eliminated most of the practical barriers to working remotely. On the whole, however, we continue to be reminded that our trove of collaboration technology just doesn’t cut it. People still tend to do more amazing things when they’re located amongst other people.

Whether or not Whitman can really transform HP remains an open question. What we’ve been seeing, though, is that she embraces some practices – getting rid of executive suites, putting some fresh paint on the HP headquarters – that are both symbolic and pragmatic. It was probably only a matter of time before she’d actually want people to start coming into the office, too.

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