Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Anonymous Prepares for the News Business

Anonymous is on the verge of launching a news site. Today, the decentralized group of Guy-Fawkes-branded hacktivists announced new details about what the site will look like. “[W]e’ve been working hard to design something clean and practical, but also fun to use,” reads the press release.

In recent months, Your Anon News (YAN) raised roughly $54,000 on Indiegogo for the purpose of launching a site that would take the group’s nascent newsgathering efforts beyond Twitter and Tumblr.

“Those of us contributing to YAN have always desired to expand our capabilities and to report, not just aggregate, the news,” the group wrote in its original pitch to potential investors. “Our goal as YAN contributors will be to take what we have learned over the past few years and create a new environment where content is not determined solely by external sources. We will engineer a new website which will allow us to collect breaking reports and blog postings from the best independent reporters online.”

Today, Your Anon News provided a few more details about what the coming website will look like. Among other things, the site will aggregate news from various indie news sources. It will also integrate information from Twitter while largely shunning Facebook. There will be no comments section. Submissions from the public will be welcomed. According to the release, a basic set of guidelines will soon be released, governing standards for such things as the “quality, authenticity, and relevance” of submissions. (No word yet on the policy regarding anonymous sources).

In the meantime, today’s release gave a hint of the site’s editorial sensibilities. “After observing the events of the last few days, understand that one of our goals is to make questions like, ‘Why isn’t CNN-Turk airing footage of these massive protests,’ irrelevant,” the release stated. “Its time to start getting the real news out there, to everyone.

“Basically,” the YAN staff wrote, “we don’t give a damn about exploding Kardashian butt implants.”

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