Bruce Boyd helps clean up his community by gathering the litter that collects on the highway.
Bruce Boyd helps clean up his community by gathering the litter that collects on the highway.
This month we are collecting your stories about the good things Americans are doing to make their community a better place. Some of your contributions will become blog posts and the project will end with a story that weaves together submissions to make a story of Americans by Americans for Americans.
"Well, because the roadside looks like &%$#," is why retired insurance executive Bruce Boyd spends some of his free time picking up beer bottles, cans and an endless variety of trash alongside Highway 522 north of Taos.
On a recent Saturday morning we spot the solitary Boyd — in plum T-shirt and black jeans with a Buck knife strapped to his belt and trash bag in hand– scooping up shards of glass. Nearby, panoramic Taos Mountain looks lovely and — at least from a distance — litter-free.
For the record, Boyd says, "the local favorites are Corona and Bud Light."