On the final part of the rebooted "Fear Factor" (Mon., 8 p.m. ET on NBC) contestants had to spin a wheel to determine their final challenges. The team of Mary Jo and Earl were looking at having to shave their head, including their eyebrows.

Mary Jo was reluctant to do it, but said she didn't want to send a message of vanity to her children. Through tears and while clutching a hunk of hair that had come from her head, Mary Jo endured the challenge. Several of her fellow contestants found it difficult to watch the uncomfortable moment.

But perhaps the biggest surprise for the couple -- who both lost their hair -- was that they looked pretty good bald. Even better, for their willingness to go ahead with it, they made it into the final round. There, they emerged triumphant over Davi and Jessica and came out $100,000 richer.

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