Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Footnotes: Loonies Eating Fabric and Words McDonald's Doesn't Like

This week on Footnotes, we’re talking about McWords, which the marketing department at McDonald’s could really do without. McMansion, McWorld, and McJob are not terms you want associated with your brand name. But such is the beautiful malleability of the English language. And the consequence of having a readily adoptable prefix like Mc- in your company name.

Also, I reveal deep childhood psychoses and provide the requisite photographic evidence in my quest to explain the concept of ectoplasm. Turns out it’s as simple as digging into a big plate of fabric. McDelicious.

Come across something on Wired that you want me to talk about? Ping me on Twitter at @mrMattSimon or by email at matthew_simon at wired.

Matt Simon

Matt is the host of Wired's Footnotes show and editor of the This Day in Tech blog, where he writes about all manner of milestones while respectfully declining requests from friends and family to write about their birthdays.

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