Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Batman shooting at Denver cinema, latest

VideoMobile phone footage from Denver cinema shooting

12.35 Another eyewitness revealed that the police stopped people leaving the cinema, fearing that there may be another gunman in the theatre.

Quentin Caldwell said that officers entered the cinema with shotguns and ordered those attempting to flee to put their hands up.

He said that police were wary of letting people leave the cinema, fearful that a gunman may be among them:

Quote We got to an area near the projection booth and there were police officers saying ‘put your hands up, we need to make sure you are not armed’.

Then he started asking his colleague ‘can they go, can we let them go?’ and then a female police officer said ‘run’.

Police at the suspect's flat in Paris, Aurora

12.31 Here is a series of accounts from eyewitnesses who were in the cinema at the time of the shooting:

He threw tear gas over the crowd and as soon as he threw it I could feel it in my eye. Then he started firing shots into the crowd. Me and my girlfriend dragged ourselves out of the theatre.

12.24 The full statement from President Barack Obama:

QuoteMichelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado. Federal and local law enforcement are still responding and my administration will do everything we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time.

We are committed to bringing whoever was responsible to justice, ensuring the safety of our people, and caring for those who have been wounded. As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family. All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors, and we must stand together with them in the challenging hours and days to come.

12.22 Suggestions from one witness in the theatre named as Evan that the shooter was targetting someone in particular amongst the random firing:

QuoteI think he may have been targetting someone in particular in the theatre.

12.18 University Hospital confirms that a three-month-old baby was injured.

12.17 Information from Denver police scanners that Hazmat (Hazardous materials) teams are being sent to the suspect's house.

12.12 Local reports state the youngest injured is three months old.

Aurora Police Chief Daniel Oates talks to media at the Aurora Mall

12.08 President Barack Obama says "thoughts and prayers" with the victims.

The president and the first lady condemned the attack and said they were "shocked and saddended".

12.06 Local reports that the shooter is a 24-year-old white male.

11.59 Telegraph picture gallery of images from the scene:

PICTURESBatman cinema shooting

11.52 (4.52 MDT) One witness, identified only as Jack, told ABC television, described how, during one of the action scenes, there was gunfire and what sounded like firecrackers, but people thought it was coming from the movie:

QuoteSo we just kept watching the movie for a little bit.

Everyone started panicking after that, because people were getting hurt.

11.40 (4.40 MDT) President Barack Obama was informed of the shooting at 5.26am ET, according to CNN. Obama is currently in Palm Beach, Florida.

11.25 (4.25 Denver) Witnesses saying that gunman co-ordinated shooting with the movie

11.17 (4.17 Denver) Emergency services at the scene

11.09 (4.09 Denver) Police using a robot to investigate suspect vehicle in the car park. The Hyundai is thought to be linked to the gunman and there are fears it may contain explosives.

11.05 (4.05 Denver) Frank Fania, a police spokesman told CNN that a rifle, a handgun and another gun, described by some witnesses as a shotgun, was found in the theatre.

Mr Fania said that witnesses told police the man “just appeared” at the front of the cinema, possibly from behind the screen or a fire exit.

He said that the motive was unknown “other than it was the latest Batman movie and there was a lot of people.”

Mr Fania said the suspect was apprehended by the first officers on the scene and did not resist arrest.

He added: “He was in the rear parking lot which really is not a public parking lot for the theatre. He did not resist, he did not put up a fight.

10.58 (3.58 Denver) Reports are that one of the victims was just six.

10.54 (3.54 Denver) more pictures emerging from the scene

10.47 (3.47 Denver) Reports of bullets passing through the walls into other theatres.

10.45 (3.45 Denver) Brenda Stuart, from 850 KOA Radio, said: "People inside tell us they thought it was part of the movie. They heard what they thought were firecrackers, loud bangs and all of a sudden they saw the bullets flying.

"Police officers are carting the injured to the hospital in their own cars, not waiting for the ambulances."

A makeshift hospital was set up at the mall to treat those wounded in the attack.

10.37 (3.37 Denver) Aurora Police chief Dan Oates said that there are 14 dead and 50 injured. He confirmed that 10 of the dead died in the theatre while four other died after arriving at hospital.

Mr Oates said a suspect was taken into custody and has told officers that he has explosives at his apartment. Mr Oates said his apartment building in north Aurora has been evacuated as police search the building.

Asked about rumours that a second gunman was on the looses, Mr Oates sais police did not believe that to be the case, but were still trying to establish the situation.

10.31 (3.31 Denver) Witnesses in other theatres were taken to the nearby Gateway High School to be debriefed by police.Hayden Miller was in theatre 16.

He told CNN: “We heard anywhere from 10 to 20 shots and little explosions going on people screaming.

“Someone came on the PA and told everyone they needed to get out as soon as we got out saw everyone running and screaming.”

Speaking about the moment he heard the shots, he added: “As soon as we heard shots go off we figured it must be a louder part of the movie next to us. Nobody thought anything of it then 30 seconds later…

“As soon as they evacuated us we were hearing from friends inside Theatre 9 that he was wearing a gas mask and throwing tears gas at people. He wasn’t trying to let anyone out.

“We saw a couple of people hunched over leaving the theatre and ambulances were filled but they weren’t moving they were not going anywhere.”

Another witness told the station that he watching saw a young girl being carried out of the theatre.

He said: “A cop came walking through the front door holding a little girl in his arms and she wasn’t moving. I don’t know whose little girl it was. My heart goes out to her family and I hope they are ok, I hope she is ok and recovers. But I heard another witness in my theatre she was on phone she told whoever she was talking to said she saw bullet holes in the little girl’s back.

“I can’t think of any person who would intentionally hurt a little girl. it makes me think she got caught in the crossfire.”

10.29 (3.29 Denver) Police confirm they have a suspect in custody. They do not believe there is a second gunman. The suspect has spoken about explosives at his house. Police are investigating.

10.27 (3.27 Denver) It is being reported by NBC News that the suspect is in custody. Witness told CNN that the suspect was wearing a riot helmet bullet proof vest wearing all black with goggles and holding a shotgun.

10.26 (3.26 Denver) 9 News Denver is reporting 14 dead 50 injured

10.11 (3.11 Denver) Eyewitnesses talking of a man dressed in a mask and bulletproof vest kicking open the emergency doors to theatre 9 and opening fire with a shotgun. As panic ensued he calmly walked up and down the aisle firing into the crowd.

10.10 (3.10 Denver) Aurora police chief confirms that minimum 10 dead and 39 injured in hospital

09.55 (02.55 Denver) NBC news in US said one suspect was in custody and a bomb squad had been sent to the theater in Aurora, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. An Aurora police dispatcher confirmed a shooting at a cinema but did not provide further details.

09.45 (02.45 Denver) A masked gunman has shot dead 10 people and wounded 30 to 40 others at a showing of new Batman film The Dark Knight Rises at a suburban cinema in Denver, local radio station KOA has reported, citing witnesses.

The radio station said a figure in a gas mask had opened fire at the showing in a mall in the suburb of Aurora and set off a smoke or tear gas bomb. It said initial police estimates were of 30-40 injured.

Brenda Stuart, of 850 KOA Radio, said the victims were shot dead but there may have also been an explosion.

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