Senin, 07 Juli 2014

A Spanish Wi-Fi Star Implodes, Admitting Its Financial Reports Were Faked

Let’s Gowex (GOW:SM), a Madrid-based provider of Wi-Fi hotspot services across Europe and the Americas, was one of Spain’s highest-flying tech startups—until an investigation by a New York-based short-seller brought the publicly listed company crashing to earth this week.

Gowex announced on July 6 that it would file for insolvency after its founder and chief executive, Jenaro Garcia, admitted having filed fake financial accounts for at least the past four years. The information was brought to light by Daniel Yu, a short-seller who runs an outfit called Gotham City Research. Yu says he spent eight months investigating Gowex before issuing a report (PDF) on July 1 saying the company had misled investors about almost every aspect of its business. Garcia’s wife was Gowex’s investor-relations chief and signed off on the falsified books, Yu says.

If the details of his findings are confirmed, it’s a miracle that no one noticed the discrepancies sooner. Yu says the company’s revenues were “at most 10 percent” of the amount reported in its financial statements and that it owned or managed fewer than 5,000 Wi-Fi networks while claiming it had tens of thousands. The company told investors it had a €7.5 million ($10.2 million) contract to provide Wi-Fi hotspots in New York, Yu says, but officials there told Yu that the contract is worth less than $300,000. The New York City Economic Development Corp., which awarded the contract, did not immediately reply to a call from Bloomberg Businessweek.

Yu says he targeted Gowex because he couldn’t understand how it could generate double-digit revenue growth and profit margins when peers such as Boingo (WIFI) and IPass (IPAS) were performing far worse. “All prior for-profit attempts to provide free Wi-Fi on mass scale have failed,” he wrote in his report.

Gowex, founded by Garcia in 1999, has provided Wi-Fi hotspot services in New York, San Francisco, and a number of Latin American and European cities. It had been considered an icon of Spanish entrepreneurship, winning recognition from the national government and awards from the likes of Ernst & Young.

On July 1, the day Yu released his findings, a delegation of Spanish government and business officials visited Gowex’s Madrid headquarters and praised the company and its founder. For several days after that, the company defended its accounting practices before it said on Monday that Garcia had admitted falsifying the accounts.

Gowex shares plunged 60 percent after Yu’s report and is now suspended. Exposed investors include funds managed by JP Morgan Chase (JPM) and Danske Bank (DANSKE:DC), according to Bloomberg News.

The company’s collapse has hurt shares of other companies listed on Madrid’s Alternative Stock Market, and several say they are seeking to leave the exchange.

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