Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

How's the State of the Union? Let's Go to the Tape

Tonight President Barack Obama will probably announce that the state of the union is strong. OK. But exactly how strong is it? Last fall before the election Bloomberg Businessweek asked whether Americans were better off than on the day of Obama’s first inauguration, Jan. 20, 2009. We concluded it was a mixed bag. Here’s an update on some of the key metrics (using the most current figures available):

  Unemployment rate  THEN                    NOW  7.8 percent             7.9 percent    Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq  THEN                    NOW  173,900                 66,000    Trade deficit  THEN                    NOW  $37.7                   $38.6  billion per month       billion per month    Gross domestic product  THEN                    NOW  $14.1 trillion          $15.8 trillion    New home sales  THEN                    NOW  336,000 per year        369,000 per year    Median household income, adjusted for inflation  THEN                    NOW  $50,590                 $51,088    Bloomberg U.S. Weekly Consumer Comfort Index  THEN                    NOW  -53                     -36    Dow Jones Industrial Average  THEN                    NOW  7949                    14005    Budget deficit  THEN                    NOW  $438 billion            $1.33 trillion  
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