Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Samsung Is No 'Johnny-Come-Lately' and Other Juicy Patent Trial Quotes

Apple is accusing Samsung of ripping off the design of its iPad (left) via the Galaxy Tab (right). Photo: Jon Snyder/Wired

SAN JOSE, California — Day Two of the Apple v. Samsung patent trial produced a wealth of juicy quotations from the attorneys and judge presiding over the case. The lawyers delivered a combined three hours of opening statements, so there was ample opportunity for memorable lines. Here are some of the best.

“I want you to sit down, please.” — U.S. District Judge Judge Lucy Koh to Samsung attorney John Quinn, who demanded the judge, for what seemed like the millionth time, to allow Samsung to introduce evidence about a 2006 mobile phone patent produced by the South Korean electronics maker.

“Let’s take a 15-minute bio break.” — Koh, urging everybody to hit the rest rooms.

“As we all know, it’s easier to copy than innovate.” — Harold J. McElhinny, an Apple attorney, to jurors during opening remarks.

“It’s not just functional. It’s enjoyable, engaging and cool.” — McElhinny on the iPhone.

“We want to convince you that Samsung has copied the entire design and user experience.” — McElhinny on the iPhone.

“There’s a distinction between commercial success and inventing something.” — Charles Verhoeven, a Samsung attorney, to jurors as he displayed an exhibit of four Samsung phones, dated between 2005 and 2006, that looked similar to the iPhone. The iPhone was unveiled in 2007.

“It’s not out there like some Johnny-Come-Lately and copying knockoffs.” — Verhoeven on Samsung.

“Apple is marketing itself as an innovator, and the only company that actually provides this retina display is Samsung.” — Verhoeven, noting that Samsung supplies ultra-high-resolution displays to Apple.

Unless the two sides can agree on an early settlement, the trial is expected to last for about a month, so there’s ample opportunity for more blustery quotes. Here’s our synopsis of the case.

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